Beta Club

National Jr. Beta Club Pledge
I hereby declare that I shall always strive
To be honest and truthful at all times;
To maintain a creditable scholastic record;
To be of service to my teachers and fellowmen;
To conduct myself in a manner to reflect credit
Upon my school and community.
Beta Club Membership Requirements
- Students must meet the deadline for dues.
- Students must participate in Beta Club initiation dress up day.
- Students must complete ten (10) hours of community service.
- Students must return three (3) recommendations (2 teachers, 1 community). The form will be provided and cannot be completed by parents or other family members.
- Students must maintain a 93 average each grading period.
Members may be placed on probation for the following:
- Failing to maintain a 93 grade average
- In school suspension (first offense)
- Two discipline referrals
- Receiving a C on a report card
Members will be disqualified as a member for the following:
- Any of the above offenses while on probation
- A D or F on a report card immediately disqualifies a member
- Suspension from school
- Three office referrals
- Alternative school placement
- A second in school suspension assignment
A beta club member's conduct should be distinguished. Inappropriate behavior can disqualify a member at any time. Determining member eligibility will be determined on a case by case basis. Lying, cheating, and showing disrespect to fellow students, teachers, or others are examples. Beta club members are expected to set the standards for students at Rutledge Middle School.
Click on the Beta Club Seal above for the National Organization's website.