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Welcome to the RMS Library

Library open
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School days 8:00 AM - 3:15 PM

Closed 11:15 AM - 12:50 PM

Happening now

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August 19th-23rd

8/19 Library Grand Opening

No mobile library this week

August House Point Challenge

New makerspace activities

Librarian welcome

Rules & Policies

  • Students can visit the library during homeroom, between classes, or during class with teacher permission.


  • Food and drink are not allowed in the technology center, makerspace, reading nook, or in the book stacks.


  • Respect the library space and those who use it by cleaning up after yourself, keeping noise levels appropriate for the activity, and using books, tools, and equipment properly.


  • Library books are free to check out for students and staff. Each person may check out up to two books at a time. Books are due two weeks from check out; however, if you need to keep a book longer than two weeks you can ask the librarian for an extension.


  • Fees are assessed for lost or stolen books not returned by the end of the school year. Fees may also be assessed for books that are damaged beyond repair.


  • All Chromebooks needing repair are sent to the library. Mistakes happen, and most Chromebooks can be repaired at no cost. However, students who show patterns of repeated damage or intentional property destruction may be responsible for repair costs. Students will be issued a replacement to use while their Chromebook is being repaired. 


  • Students who forget their Chromebooks can check one out from their homeroom teacher or the library. These Chromebooks must be returned by the end of the school day.

In the Library Today...

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YouTube video by CBS
YouTube video by Scholastic