Teacher Resources


Shake Up Learning
Class tech tips logo
Cool Cat Teacher Blog

Shake Up Learning

This website focuses on educational technology and features how-to's, free resources, online courses, lesson plans, and books. You will find a lot of information and tips for using Google & Google Classroom. Information is frequently updated on the blog, and a weekly podcast is also available. Free learning series are also occasionally offered.

Class Tech Tips

You'll find a student-centered approach to using technology in the classroom on this website. Features include a weekly blog, weekly podcast, lesson plans, professional development, and free templates and materials. This is a good resources for productivity and organizational materials related to technology. Patrons can also receive technology coaching as a paid service.

The Cool Cat Teacher Blog

This website is great for teachers that want information about ed tech but don't have a lot of time to look for information. The 10-minute podcasts are great for learning tech tips in a short time. It is also very easy to search for and find specific information on this website because of the way the topics are laid out on the website. You can even search by grade level, educator position, or content area. In addition to the podcast, there is also a free newsletter and blog.

Commonsense Education
Teacher Tech by Alice Keeler

Common Sense Education YouTube Playlist

Top EdTech Tools and How to Use Them is an extensive YouTube Playlist curated by Common Sense Education. The videos feature mostly application and website reviews for popular educational technology resources.

Teacher Tech

Alice Keeler is a Google Innovator who has developed many Google add-ons. She maintains this educational technology blog full of how-to's and product reviews. The majority of product reviews are for Google add-ons.